These are set and enforced by the moderators.
No bullying, trolling, harassing, or severely disrespecting fellow members is allowed.
GWES is an inclusive community. Forms of discrimination, of any kind, are not tolerated.
No NSFW or NSFL posts are allowed.
Please do not discuss controversial or overtly political issues.
Controversial issues does include EAS community drama.
Weather misinformation must be kept out of GWES, especially during severe weather. It's important that, during severe weather situations, we keep up with the best information possible in order to avoid confusion or over-reaction
Do not engage in illegal activities involving the server
This includes DDoS attacks, Doxxing other members, and other such activities that are harmful to members.
Breaking this rule will result in an immediate, permanent ban
Do not use the Emergency Alert System (EAS) or your country's alerting system for illegal activations on public airwaves
Breaking this rule will result in an immediate, permanent ban, among other legal issues you will likely be facing from the FCC or your country's communications bureau
Please keep mentioning, spam, caps, mini-modding, etc. in moderation.